Understanding the weather conditions in different biomes in Year 5 Geography.
In Geography, we have been learning about different ecosystems. We learnt about the different weather conditions for different biomes....
Our Art is on Exhibition at the Dalston CLR James Library Our children have been working hard with our resident artist to create pieces of art for it to be in an exhibition at the library for all to see. Over the next few weeks...
Congratulations for the following children who have achieved Hot Chocolate / Ice Lollies with the Head next week. Well done to Dolcey-Lou in our Nursery, Luca in Reception, Alexandra in Year 1, Kehinde in Year 2, Faith in Year 3, Serigne in Year 4, Dakarie in Year 5, Sean and Najlah in Year 6. I look forward to chatting with you next week about what you did to achieve Hot Chocolate with the Head.
Below are the winners enjoying this weeks ice lollies with Ms Thomas.
The winning class for attendance this week is Year 3 with 98.6% – you will enjoy extra playtime next week! In second place is Reception with 95.5%, and in third place is Year 4 with 95.3%.
Thank you for coming to Family Friday, if your class was open and you were able to attend. I popped into lots of classes and shared with you the updates we have made to our behaviour strategy. As promised the slides from the presentation are below and there is also a link to download the updated behaviour blueprint below.
In Geography, we have been learning about different ecosystems. We learnt about the different weather conditions for different biomes....
In Year 4, we have been learning symmetry in Maths. We found the lines of symmetry for 2d shapes using a mirror....
This term in Maths, we are diving into fractions. This week, our focus has been on representing unit fractions in various ways and identifying parts and wholes in different contexts, both in shapes and quantities....
Year 2 having been learning about Hackney and how and where Hackney fits in the wider world (Europe, UK, London, Hackney). The children have completed collages in this weeks geography lesson to represent everything Hackney related....
In Maths this week, we have been learning about the value of one penny. We used real coins to give two children pocket money of an equal value. We noticed similarities and differences between one pence coins. For example, some had a picture of a......
In Nursery we continued reading the story “Anna Hibiscus’ song”; we then had a go at pounding yams, like Anna’s aunties do in the book! We soon discovered what hard work that is! Finally, as a reward for the hard work, we tasted the yams.......
Our topic book at the moment is “The Drum”. The book focuses on sounds and how “music can make you move and feel”. So sticking to the theme of instruments and music our craft activity for today was to create hand prints on the piano....
Today in the baby room we decorated Father’s Day cards....