We have a few part time spaces in our 3 & 4 Year Old Nursery
Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
Welcome Back It is lovely to have everyone back after the half term break. There is lots of information in the newsletter this week so please do take the time to read through carefully. We also have lots of events coming up and dates to...
It is lovely to have everyone back after the half term break. There is lots of information in the newsletter this week so please do take the time to read through carefully. We also have lots of events coming up and dates to remember.
If you haven’t already signed up for Parents Evening please use the links below to sign up for a slot on Tuesday 9th November, next week. You will need to download a free app called Google Docs to be able to sign up. If possible try to drop children at home before attending parents evening, if you need to bring your children with you please make sure that they have a book to read or something to do to keep them busy while you are in the parent meeting.
Reception H – Ms Steph Li Rosi
Please check through your children’s coats, bags and jumpers at home to be sure that they haven’t accidentally brought something home that is not theirs. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE name all belongings that come to school so that when they are found they can be returned. The lost property box is going to be emptied soon by some helpful parents, the contents washed and then put out at parents evening to be either be returned or then ultimately re-homed if not claimed.
Please remember to return the permission letter for your child to have their nasal flu vaccine in school like they do every year.
The school term dates can be found here in PDF format and the key events dates are being added into the school website calendar as we have them, these are then pulled and added to this newsletter each week. Please note that to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee there will be one more additional closed day in the Summer Term – we will share that data asap.
Holy Moly it’s Monday starts again this Monday 8th November at Holy Trinity Church. Arrive at 5pm for our family friendly service with the Holy Trinity School choir, games and fun. From 6pm we will have a community dinner and all are welcome. Do come along to make new friends, eat and worship together. Volunteers also welcome, speak to Rev Laura for more info.
To mark Anti Bullying week in school we would love it if children could come to school on Monday 15th November wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. Last year over 13,000 schools took part in Odd Socks Day. Andy Day (CBeebies/CBBC) and his band Andy and the Odd Socks are supporting the AntiBullying Alliance to help bring Odd Socks Day to life again this year. Have a listen to the brilliant song they have recorded especially for Anti-Bullying Week, One Kind Word.
In a world that can sometimes feel like it’s filled with negativity, one kind word can provide a moment of hope. It can be a turning point. It can change someone’s perspective. It can change their day. It can change the course of a conversation and break the cycle of bullying. Best of all, one kind word leads to another. Kindness fuels kindness. So from the playground to Parliament, and from our phones to our homes, together, our actions can fire a chain reaction that powers positivity.
We can’t wait to see all the fancy and weird odd sock combinations.
Friday 19th November is Children in Need and we are marking the day here at Holy Trinity by coming to school in non-uniform wearing as many spots as you can find! We will be going totally dotty all day and asking you to donate a £1 at the school gate or online for Children in Need. We will let you know how much we will raise.
Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
Please use the link here to check your eligibility, please check even if your child is gets a free school meal because they are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2. We encourage all parents to find out if they are entitled to free school......
We have been inspecting different books and listening to the sounds that animals make....
We have been experimenting with different ways to use a pumpkin. Here we are sharing and having a lots of fun hammering various coloured sticks into it....
We have been learning about Moses and the 10 commandments. We know there are lots of reasons for rules and that most are in place to keep us safe. We had a go at picking one rule we have worked really hard to follow....
We have been exploring mathematical problem solving with the use of numicon. We looked at identifying each numicon, finding number bonds and correctly forming the numerals 1 – 10....
We have begun to explore a new story that is helping us to extend our creativity and imagination! As part of our exploration, we are beginning to explore materials and objects, how these can be used and ways to describe how they feel and what......
We have been reading ‘We completely must go to London’. We noticed that the illustrations in the story are made up with a range of drawings, photos and collages. We tried to recreated some London landmarks using similar techniques....
In our Geography lessons this term we will be learning all about London. We will also be reading the text ‘We completely must go to London’ and writing information leaflets. This week we created beautiful collages of London attractions and wrote exciting sentences about why......
We launched our new topic which is ‘our world’. We talked about the planet we live on and how it is made up of land and water. We then created our own art pieces by representing the land with green and the water with blue.......
We have launched our new wider curriculum topic “Our World”. In our first art lesson back, we created mini globes after having learnt all about the seven continents in the world....
In Spanish we have been learning the vocabulary for fruit. Our Spanish speaking pupil helped teach everyone else the correct pronunciation of all the words we are learning....
In our writing lessons, we have been reading the book ‘Flotsam’ by David Weisner. We explored the front cover, first page of the book and made predictions about the story. We investigated what had washed up on beaches, looking closely at the items with magnifying......
We have been investigating perimeter. We were using pieces of wool to understand the importance of a unit of measure when measuring lengths....
We have been using figurative language to describe the characters in our class text ‘Varjak Paws’. We explored the characters through drama and created a word bank of wow vocabulary. We understand that writers often use ‘show me’ sentences to express a character’s feelings through......
We have been exploring inequality around the world in order to make information posters....
We have wasted no time getting started with our new book The Arrival by Shaun Tan. The book itself has no text only pictures. We looked at these to predict what the story might be about....
Walking, cycling or scooting to school helps to keep your family fit and active. It also helps to reduce your risk of coming into contact with someone who has COVID compared with catching a bus or train. When you arrive at school please remember to......