Enrichment Clubs
We have a timetable of enrichment clubs in place that will be coming out on Monday. We appreciate your patience with this, we have managed to create a timetable that keeps children in their bubbles.
End of Day Collection
Thank you to those parents and carers who are remembering to wear a face mask during collection times, it is helping to keep our school community safer. As you know the end of the school day is very busy with many children and families on site. Please ensure that as you collect your child you let the adult responsible for them know that you have taken them and it is crucial that you keep your child with you once you have collected them.
Online Chat at Home Coming into School
As a school, we are aware that there is a lot of communication happening between children outside of school through platforms such as WhatsApp, TikTok and Snapchat. We are noticing that the interactions happening through these platforms is having an increasingly negative impact in our classrooms and playgrounds.
We are asking parents and carers to speak with their children about what they are doing online, what games they play, who they are in regular contact with, how long they play for and how they feel about their online interactions. Please sit down with children and go through devices to look at the interactions that are happening and ensure they are appropriate. Devices should not be taken to bed with children, instead there should be an agreed amount of time spent on a device and when that time is up, devices should stay in another room.
There are many websites out there that are designed to support parents with their children’s use of devices we recommend the two following websites as a starting point, https://www.net-aware.org.uk/ and https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents We appreciate your support on this.
Hot Chocolate with the Head
Well done to Storm in our Nursery, Nicole in Reception H, Chloe in Reception T, Arthur in Year 2 H, Colette in Year 2 T, Zayvion in Year 3 H, Ahanna in Year 4 H, Shaniyah in Year 4 T, Leon Oscar in Year 5 H and Aaron in Year 6 H all of whom have been awarded Hot Chocolate with the Head for next Thursday!!