In Geography we have been learning about continents. We know some continents have many countries whilst others do not. This week we focused on North and South America. We played a game where we acted out some famous physical features of these continents. Then we...
There are several parents, carers and staff worried about the use of cars at morning drop off time. As you will see in the photo's below, cars are being parked and left in a way that blocks pavements and road crossings forcing pavements users such...
We have a few spaces left for our age 3 and 4 Nursery in September 2022 Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
We've been reading 'What the Ladybird Heard' for our new topic 'Farm Animals' and have been playing some listening games to see if we can listen and repeat what our friends have said accurately. It can be harder than you think!...