We have a few part time spaces in our 3 & 4 Year Old Nursery
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Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
We enjoyed playing with Peppa Pig in her slide house. We were thinking about cause and effect, winding her up to the top before letting her go so she could slide back down. We added our own sound effects 'weeeeeee!!'...
We have been exploring our senses and looking after the jungle animals in the messy tray. The animals were very muddy so we washed them in the water hole. Splash!...
We have been learning all about different shapes and their properties. We have also learnt some excellent shape songs to help us remember their names. Ask us to sing them to you! ...
We loved visiting our school pond and seeing the colourful fish living there! We discovered that there were big and small fish and maybe even some families in there too. We found lots of shapes in and around the pond and spoke a lot about...
We are reading the wonderful story 'Astro Girl' over the course of the next few weeks. The book is inspiring us to learn all about the solar system. In this picture we are working together to open up our non-fiction book to explore the planets....
We have been exploring abstract compositions in art. We looked closely at the work of the Brazillian artist Beatriz Milhazes and noticed small shapes, big shapes and shapes that overlapped. We then created this amazing collaborative artwork in a similar style to Milhazes! Lots of...
In geography we have been learning about the United Kingdom. We made information posters about the four countries in the United Kingdom to give out to our alien friends to see if they think United Kingdom is worth an intergalactic visit! [gallery ids="4510,4511"]...
We have been learning about the importance of exercise in our science lessons. We tried out lots of different exercises and even made our own exercise videos! ...
In maths, we have been learning to add and subtract multiples of ten. We used different methods to help us find the answers including dienes, number lines and counters....