Partitioning 2 Digit Numbers in Year 2 Maths
In maths this week, we have been learning to partition 2 digit numbers into 3 parts....
Holy Trinity has a You Tube Channel that features videos to show you how we complete calculations in Mathematics. Click here to view it. Schools within the Primary Advantage Federation have a strong commitment to children’s maths. Maths lessons lay the foundations for this critical...
Schools within the Primary Advantage Federation have a strong commitment to children’s maths. Maths lessons lay the foundations for this critical life skill as teachers use the NCETM. If you would like to know which aspects of Mathematics your child will be working on each week please go to the pupils tab and click on your childs year group.
To find out more about NCETM maths click here.
We are going to be relaunching our Daily Maths Speed Challenges in school following the Easter break. These are designed to support children in develop rapid recall of number facts.
More information about the Daily Maths Speed Challenge can be found here:
Daily Maths Speed Challenge Information Overview
Number Facts for Tiger Speed Challenges
Number Facts for Lion Speed Challenges
Number Facts for Jaguar Speed Challenges
Number Facts for Cougar Speed Challenges
Number Facts for Leopard Speed Challenges
We will be running Parent / Carer workshops on the 25th March to introduce new parents to the Daily Maths Speed Challenge.
In maths this week, we have been learning to partition 2 digit numbers into 3 parts....
In their maths lesson on Monday, Year 5 used arrays to help us understand the factors of numbers....
This week in maths, we looked at ordinal numbers. We talked about how to classify positions in a race and in lines. Following this, we used our maths counting resources to role play races and discussed the ordinal numbering for each of the cars! The......
In maths this week we have been using the key language of minuend, subtrahend and difference. We have been using Base 10 to subtract ones from two digit numbers and noticing patterns when subtracting the same number of ones. For example, we knew that 22......
This week in Maths we were looking at the greater than, less than and equal symbols. The children had to decide which number was greater than and which number was less than. We then wrote the correct symbol for the sum using the visual aids....
In maths this week, Year 4 have been bridging 1,000. We used tens frames and number lines to make 1000 before adding any left over 100s....
In maths this week, year 4 have been looking at numbers all the way to 990! We have been practising counting in one hundreds up to 1000 and beyond. We enjoyed playing our own version of musical statues where we had to count in hundreds......
In Year 2 Maths this week we have been finding the difference between two numbers. We used diagrams to help us to see to see the difference as a number. We also found that consecutive numbers have a difference of 1!...
In maths this week, Year 4 have been learning about measuring and calculating perimeter. We began by measuring using string around found objects in the classroom and then straightening out the string. Some of us thought that the perimeter looked longer when it was straight......
We worked in pairs to add two numbers together which bridge through 10. We placed the first addend in the tens frame. Then we collected the second addend and partitioned it so that we could fill the first tens frame. The leftover part went in......
In Maths this week, Year 2 have been using a 0 to 100 number line. The children’s learning culminated with children estimating the length of lines by comparing them with lines of 100cm....
We have been using the numicon in our classroom for counting, ordering the numbers and for understanding the composition of numbers 1 to 10. In this photo the children worked successfully to put the numicon in order from the smallest to the largest. The children......