Maths Escape Room in Year 5
This week we completed an escape room in teams We used all our learning from our maths lessons this year to break a code and escape....
Easter Break and Summer Term We wish you all a restful and peaceful Easter break. The school reopens for the Summer term (can't believe it's the summer term and it was snowing on Friday!) on Tuesday 19th April as Monday is a bank holiday. The...
We wish you all a restful and peaceful Easter break. The school reopens for the Summer term (can’t believe it’s the summer term and it was snowing on Friday!) on Tuesday 19th April as Monday is a bank holiday. The information for the enrichment clubs will be available in that first week so that you can get children signed up and back into clubs (15:30 – 16:30) from Monday 25th April.
There are a few changes but not many to the PE time table so we are sharing the days with you now so that you are prepared for the return in April.
Monday – Year 1H and Year 5
Tuesday – Reception H & T and Year 4 H & T
Wednesday – Year 6
Thursday – Reception H & T and Year 2
Friday – Year 1T and Year 3 H & T
We need our books back as we are relabelling them ready for the Summer term. Please check under the bed, behind the sofa, at the bottom of your bag and in all the other places that books love to hide to return them to school.
This Easter there will be camps running at Holy Trinity in the form of Art and Well being with the Art Imaginarium –, Sports Camps run by BADU – and Music with The Strings Club –
This week we completed an escape room in teams We used all our learning from our maths lessons this year to break a code and escape....
This week in Writing, our learning objective is to write a play script. In preparation for this, we immersed ourselves in play scripts by acting them out, explored and identified features of them and planned our own based on the book ‘A River’ by Marc......
This week as part of our science enquiry, we devised a fair test to see what variables could impact the brightness of a bulb in a circuit....
In Maths this week we have been learning to use the column method for subtraction. We have been using digital manipulatives available on the braining camp app to support our understanding....
We have been doing mindful breathing exercises after lunch to help us be calm and ready for our afternoon of learning....
We have been considering the Easter story and we have learnt about the symbols that represent Easter, new life and the Christian message of Easter. We made Easter baskets that we designed with eggs, crosses and chicks which all represent the Easter story....
In English we have written modern versions of Tyger, Tyger by William Blake....
We have finished out art project learning about the human form and created peg dolls of some of the significant people we have learnt about this term....
We had the first of our twelve sessions at Dalston Curve Garden. We explored the garden using our senses. We used magnifying glasses to study the plants trees and collected some petals and sticks from the floor....
We had a wonderful first session at the Curve Garden, exploring nature and making wildlife collages. We were even visited by a fox!...
Last week we went on a Reception Trip to Haggerston Park. We walked to the train station, observed the trains and then went on one to Hoxton Station. Then we carefully walked with our partner to the park. We were so amazed with how big......
We have been building our team skills in the water tray area! We have worked together to create a long water track, explored ways to make sea animals and ducks go faster and some creative ways to catch them too! We shared, took turns and......
This week we said goodbye to our amazing butterflies. At first they were very reluctant to leave, but made their way on to our bushes when guided. We will miss them so much and have had so much fun learning about their life cycle! ...
We have been learning about Spring so we decided to make play-dough flowers, we started with the petals, aren’t they beautiful!...
We understand that during these difficult times, children have been more likely to become unwell, be isolating or suffering a family bereavement however daily attendance at school is crucial for children’s development as it ensures that they do not develop gaps in learning. We expect attendance......