Safety at Morning Drop Off
The following was sent out last week via email however we wanted to ensure that everyone had seen the information regarding the safety precautions we have put in place to support children being dropped off safely in the mornings.
We have made contact with Hackney council and so far we have had no luck with the street camera being fitted for our School Street. As such we are taking matters into our own hands and once again putting the cones out to block the street outside our gates.
We are moving the location of the cones so that all of the gates are covered, meaning traffic cannot pass by them, please be aware of this for morning drop off tomorrow. Please see the map above for the location of the cones.
The cones will be placed at 8:30 and will then be removed when the gates close at 8:55, this means that if you drive in just before 8:30 you will not be able to drive out until 8:55.
We are putting this in place for the safety of our children who are being dropped off in the mornings and we thank you in advance for your support with this.
Behaviour Review – We are Ready, Respectful and Safe
Over the last few weeks we have been reviewing and updating our school behaviour strategy. This week the children took part in giving their feedback on the systems we have in place. Some of the feedback we received is as follows:
“Reflection forms are quite helpful to get us thinking about what has happened and how to fix it.”
“Some of us like receiving stickers and praises for good behaviour.”
“Having a recognition board reminds us of good role models in the classroom and helps us to select people for hot chocolate.”
As a result of this feedback we have already made some tweaks to our current systems. From Monday you will see children coming home with more stickers related to behaviour, in Years 1 – 6 the recognition charts have been updated to include bronze, silver and gold cards and the reflection sheets have been updated. As all of the children unanimously love hot chocolate with the head, that is of course staying in place and the winners from the week before are seen below enjoying their ice lollies with Ms Thomas.

Hot Chocolate / Ice Lollies with the Head
Congratulations for the following children who have achieved Hot Chocolate / Ice Lollies with the Head next week. Well done to Kyrei-Dream in our Nursery, Iona in Reception, Lakesia in Year 1, Ivy-Willow in Year 2, Paula in Year 3, TJ in Year 4, Jaiya in Year 5 and Lotte in Year 6. I look forward to chatting with you next week about what you did to achieve Hot Chocolate with the Head.

Attendance Award – Winning Class
The winning class for attendance this week is Year 5 with 97.7% – you will enjoy extra playtime next week! In second place is Year 1 with 96.8%, and in third place is Year 4 with 96.2%.
Important Dates – Update your diary!!
The dates below are for some of the events and trips we have coming up. Please make a note of them. We are also really looking forward to seeing you all on Friday morning for family Friday – you will have 20 minutes with classes this week before a presentation from our behaviour buddies on the updates we have made to our behaviour strategy.