PTA Tuck Shop – Open Fridays at 3:30pm
World Book Week at Holy Trinity Next week is World Book Week at Holy Trinity and we have lots on to celebrating books, authors, illustrators and developing our love of reading. Year 3 and Year 5 are going to the Dalston Library for a presentation...
Next week is World Book Week at Holy Trinity and we have lots on to celebrating books, authors, illustrators and developing our love of reading.
Year 3 and Year 5 are going to the Dalston Library for a presentation with author Puneet Bhandal on Monday, Year 1 and 2 are taking part in the Great World Book Day Draw-Along with Dave Pigeon, Year 6 are taking part in the Young writers competition, there are drama workshops taking place in the hall for children in the Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 across Tuesday and Wednesday and finally we will be celebrating world book day on Friday with all children and staff coming to school dressed as characters from books. To support this, as you will see from the picture above, the PTA have arranged a costume donation drive, please drop old costumes into the school and pick up another if you find one your child is interested in.
Thank you so much to parents and carers for the donations to the PTA Tuck Shop that started this Friday, you were so generous and I know the cakes were enjoyed by many and were absolutely delicious!!
Year 1 parents please make your donations to the school office on the morning of Friday 3rd March so that we can hand them over the the PTA for sale in the afternoon. Please remember to bring cash to school to pay for the cakes if you would like to buy some. Please remember to bring cash as we still don’t have enough PTA members to be able to set up an online card system. If you are able to join our PTA to support the school, nursery and preschool please email the PTA ( to let them know and/or attend their next meeting after the half term break.
Following the half term break the PTA has a number of events that they want to share and are seeking for support with.
Events are as follows:
School Book Fair – Wednesday 22nd – Tuesday 28th February
Easter Bake Off – Tuesday 28th March
Well done to the following children who have achieved Hot Chocolate with the Head. Following the half term break I will enjoying a chat and a hot chocolate with Eesa in our Nursery, Alexandra in Reception, Amelia and Ariah in Year 1, Jake and Mai in Year 2, Aiden in Year 3, Kie and Lashante in Year 4, Tamera in Year 5 and Destiny in Year 6.
We spent the day decorating our pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. We used the fruit to create faces. We learnt about Shrove Tuesday/Pancake day and why we celebrate it. Then we ate our delicious pancakes. They were very Yummy!...
Our focus this term in Art is textiles. In this lesson, we were learning how to sew. We were practising how to do 2 different stitches: back and running stitching...
In 4T we have been creating pencil cases using applique and embroidery. Here we are researching varying patterns on different textiles....
During art and design technology, we have been exploring how we different pop up techniques for cards. We have loved trying different ways to affect and strengthen paper. Here is one of our students with a finished card....
We have been learning to write a setting description. We did a drama activity where we said the thoughts and feelings of the main character from the book ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’....
We learnt all about fractions, decimals and percentages. We were able to compare and order by converting to equivalent units. Can you find out what decimal and fraction is equivalent to 67%?...
We have been learning all about printmaking in Art. We have been looking at artists such as Garima Dhawan and Alma Thomas who created wonderful pieces of artwork using printing techniques. This picture shows the children using slices of fruits and vegetables for printing in......
In DT, we have been learning about and making pop-up mechanisms. Our final pieces were a collection of Easter and Spring cards which we have really enjoyed making. We used our cutting skills to help us make clear lines and edges....
During our Design and Technology lessons Year 1 have been focusing on the skill of printing. Our finished product will be a wallpaper sheet created using CAD. Inspired by Alma Thomas’ ‘Resurrection’ we printed onto paper plates using pasta as a stamping tool. We then......
In agility, balance and coordination club we were practising our coordination skills by trying out different ways of throwing and catching!...
In gardening club, we saw even more signs of spring with our daffodils starting to bloom. We then moved onto planting even more flowers and some different vegetables in our raised beds to help brighten up our playground....
For Design Technology week, Year 5 designed, researched and baked our own muffins. We spent the week taste testing, researching recipes and combining ingredients....
In our continuous provision, we have been developing our fine and gross motor skills by drawing large scale vehicles. We have also been using our mathematical awareness to identify and use shapes in these drawings....
What Parents Need to Know about Spotify Click here to learn more about Spotify....
We have a fully packed lost property box in the front office at the school, we are finding so many pieces of almost brand new clothing across the school that are unnamed, please pop into the front office to get your child’s clothing if you......