Investigating area using manipulatives in Year 4
In maths we were investigating area using manipulative, we challenged ourselves to see how many different shapes we could make with an area of 7 squares of the same size....
Child Q Case You will be as shocked and appalled as we are to learn about the Child Q incident and we understand the distress and anger within our community. If, as a group of parents/carers, you would like a space to discuss the case,...
You will be as shocked and appalled as we are to learn about the Child Q incident and we understand the distress and anger within our community. If, as a group of parents/carers, you would like a space to discuss the case, this can be facilitated. As a school, we want to reassure parents/carers that we uphold the most rigorous safeguarding procedures. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the case or have any concerns, please speak to Ms Thomas or Ms Hunt. Please read the statement from Group Director for Children and Education and the Director of Education for Hackney on our website or by clicking here.
Parents evening will be running on site and in person on Tuesday 29th March. Please use the links below to sign up for a Parents Evening time slot on Tuesday 29th March. You will need to download a free app called Google Docs to be able to sign up. If possible try to drop children at home before attending parents evening, if you need to bring your children with you please make sure that they have a book to read or something to do to keep them busy while you are in the parent meeting.
Reception H – Ms Steph Li Rosi
Year 2T – Ms Stephanie Masserick
Well done to Saya in our Nursery, Jasmine in Reception H, Zayden in Reception T, Kaeleb in Year 1 H, Maisen in Year 1 T, Fatima in Year 2 H, Nakiayah in Year 2 T, Melis in Year 3 H, Zion in Year 3 T and Ahmet in Year 4 H all of whom have been awarded Hot Chocolate with the Head next Thursday!!
This Easter there will be camps running at Holy Trinity in the form of Art and Well being with the Art Imaginarium –, Sports Camps run by BADU – and Music with The Strings Club –
Holy Trinity School building is a busy place on the weekends and during the holidays. We have attached some links and fliers in case you are looking for holiday or weekend activities for your children. We host Stage Coach (drama), Strings (music) and Badu (sports).
Stage Coach Hackney –
In maths we were investigating area using manipulative, we challenged ourselves to see how many different shapes we could make with an area of 7 squares of the same size....
We have been playing with instruments this week!...
Preschool enjoyed rolling vehicles down the wooden ramp whilst the sun was shining. On your marks, get set, GO!...
We continued our art project which is looking at the human form. We looked at the artist, Julian Opie and took inspiration to create our own self portraits. Who can you see in these masterpieces?...
In science we have been classifying animals based on their diets. We learnt the terms carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. Please ask us what these words mean!...
We have loved learning about area this week using technology. We have learnt that area is the space inside a closed two-dimensional shape. We have been calculating area, comparing area and making our own shapes of a certain area using Geoboard on Braining Camp....
We have been comparing our 2, 4 and 8 times tables. We did this by creating mixed operation sentences and representing it on ‘braining camp’ using our iPads....
Our caterpillars in Nursery are no longer fat caterpillars in their cocoons! We had 3/5 beautiful butterflies emerge this week and fed them for the first time. We went with orange pieces and had to make sure we cut small slits so they could drink......
In our art lessons we have been learning about prehistoric art. Over the last few weeks we have been creating a cave wall background for us to create a cave wall drawing....
We have been revisiting our number knowledge and exploring ways to describe what we have around us! To help us make connections and for us to see that we can use our wonderful maths knowledge every single day, we used biscuits! We had 3 different......
In Geography we have been learning about continents. We know some continents have many countries whilst others do not. This week we focused on North and South America. We played a game where we acted out some famous physical features of these continents. Then we......
There are several parents, carers and staff worried about the use of cars at morning drop off time. As you will see in the photo’s below, cars are being parked and left in a way that blocks pavements and road crossings forcing pavements users such......
We have a few spaces left for our age 3 and 4 Nursery in September 2022 Click here to book a tour of our Nursery....
We’ve been reading ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ for our new topic ‘Farm Animals’ and have been playing some listening games to see if we can listen and repeat what our friends have said accurately. It can be harder than you think!...