Newspapers in Year 6 inspired by Romeo and Juliet
We have come to the end of our Romeo and Juliet topic in writing. Have a look at the fantastic newspaper report written by Evan....
Registering your child's absence - please fill in the online form rather than telephoning Each morning a member of staff works through the list of children who are absent, that person is usually Ms Cunningham. Each morning Ms Cunningham checks a file that is created...
Each morning a member of staff works through the list of children who are absent, that person is usually Ms Cunningham. Each morning Ms Cunningham checks a file that is created as parents fill in the online absence form link below:
If a child’s absence has not been reported the next thing Ms Cunningham does is to telephone those families to check in and to understand why the child is not in school.
Please help us by following the procedure of filling in the online form, this method is the most efficient, particularly at the moment when absences is at the highest it has ever been.
Well done to Kenael in our Nursery, Jason in Reception H, Arsema in Reception T, Jessica Appiah in Year 1 H, Hedaya in Year 1 T, Qudus in Year 2 H, Jordan in Year 2 T, Chanti in Year 3 H, Hayley in Year 3 T, Amelia in Year 4 H, Mark in Year 4 T, Doriano and Anishika in Year 6 H of whom have been awarded Hot Chocolate with the Head for next Thursday!!
Holy Trinity School building is a busy place on the weekends and during the holidays. We have attached some links and fliers in case you are looking for half term or weekend activities for your children. We host Stage Coach (drama), Strings (music) and Badu (sports).
Stage Coach Hackney –
We have come to the end of our Romeo and Juliet topic in writing. Have a look at the fantastic newspaper report written by Evan....
We used drama to portray different emotions through body language. We will use it to help write our diary entries later this week....
We have explored a range of newspaper articles to prepare us for writing our own based on our topic book ‘Be the Change’. Our articles will be about finding waste around the Ashram Village which is a terrible crime as one of the vows the......
We have been unpicking the features in newspaper articles to help us write our own news articles based on the book ‘Be the Change’ A Grandfather Gandhi story. We created a colour key and found he features in articles about sustainability....
In PE we have been completing rugby drills. We then used these skills to play games of tag ruby....
We have been learning about the suffragette movement in our history lessons, so we designed and made protest posters. We held a silent protest around the school. Here are our posters!...
We have been learning about the different types of food we eat while exploring colours, texture, smell and taste. We used play dough and real food to pretend to cook our favourite meals. Yummy!...
We have practised our teamwork and cooperation skills in PSHE. We found it a tough challenge though as we had to make pictures of different things using only 2D shapes in under a minute! Can you guess what the pictures are that we have created?...
We were so lucky to be invited to an online poetry workshop through Scholastic! We joined in fantastically and even got to create an acrostic poem about ourselves or something else we love!...
In our Art lessons, we have been using objects, such as lego, to make printed paintings!...
In PSHE we have thought carefully about the meaning of the word ‘bullying.’ We talked about how it feels to be part of a group and how it might feel to be left out. We concluded that everyone has the right to feel safe and......
We have been working together to count the number of fruits that we choose during snack time. We plotted the fruits into 10 frames to see how many we chose and how many more we needed to get to 10. This also helped us to......
We have been using our creativity and imagination in Reception to use junk modelling to create and extend our ideas. We have been connecting our knowledge to Winter in our play and are continuing to develop as wonderful writers as we are using our Phonics......