Children in Need
We raised a brilliant £183.25 for Children in Need on Friday. Thank you for your generous donations and it was lovely to see so many colourful pyjamas and spotty outfits to show our commitment to helping others.

Cut Your Carbon Month!
We are part of Cut Your Carbon Month! Watch this video to find out more about why this is so important to us: Cut Your Carbon 2024
Climate Ambassadors
We are seeking parents and carers who can help support pupils in our school to be aware of what a climate action plan is and to encourage as many people as possible to be engaged and interested. The graphic below says to email someone from UCL but if interested, please make Miss Masserick, our Science and Sustainability leader, aware as well.
If you apply, you will be able to get free training from University College London! We will be working together with the leader of the climate action plan, writing from UCL, to create a plan that works for the school and we are looking for people who are interested and able to commit to around 5-10 hours this academic year.

Free High Chairs
Do you or a friend need a high chair for a baby or toddler? We have several high chairs which are surplus to requirements and which we are giving away to families who need them. We can only give away one high chair per family (unless you have twins!) in order to reach as many families who need them as possible. If you would like a high chair, please contact the office and let them know which type you would prefer – white Ikea or wooden Mothercare.

Temporary Fencing by Nursery and Reception Classroom
You will have noticed that there is a new fence in the playground, next to the entrance to Nursery and Reception. We have added this to support the children to remain in their area of the playground, as the sight of the Key Stage 1 climbing frame was just too tempting for some of them! The fencing is temporary and will be removed once our youngest pupils are all used to the expectations and routines of school.

Hot Chocolate with the Head
Congratulations to these children, whose brilliant work and attitudes to learning got them nominated for Hot Chocolate with the Head this week!
Year 6: Shaiden and Zayvion
Year 5: Aiden and Esra Mae
Year 4: Chaise
Year 3: Messie and Kehinde
Year 2: Melvin
Year 1: Gabriella and Regnare
Reception: Ivy Rose
Nursery: Amira and Raphael