Christmas Fair: Parent Helpers Needed
Our fantastic PTA have been busy organising the Christmas Fair, which will take place from 3:30 – 5:00pm on Thursday 12th December. They are seeking parent helpers. Can you help? If so, please sign up here to help at the PTA Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair: Bring a Bottle Campaign
Please support the raffle at the Christmas Fair by donating any unwanted gifts or unopened bottles at the school office. We welcome any bottles: shampoo, drink, oil, sauce, perfume, wine, bubble bath… or any bottle at all for the bottle raffle.
Parents, please drop donations to the school office. Funds raised by the Christmas Fair Raffle will pay for extra fun school trips for our children next term. Thank you for your support.

School Uniform: Shoes
Our compulsory school uniform requires that children are wearing black school shoes. We will be speaking to the small number of children who are not in school shoes about this and ask that parents support their children to be in the correct school uniform. You can see our school uniform requirements here: Holy Trinity Primary School | School Uniform

Free High Chairs
We have several high chairs which are surplus to requirements and which we are giving away to families who need them. We can only give away one high chair per family (unless you have twins!) in order to reach as many families who need them as possible. If you would like a high chair, please contact the office and let them know which type you would prefer – white Ikea or wooden Mothercare.

Good attendance is crucial for your child’s learning, confidence and socialisation. We expect attendance to be at 95% as a minimum as good attendance is is directly linked to improved learning outcomes as well as a better chance of success with:
Social skills
Attention and listening
Team values
Good mental health
Career pathways
Common coughs and colds are not a reason for school absence. Please see the HSE guidance about incubation periods from school by type of illness here: HSE guidance
You can find out more about attendance at Holy Trinity here: Holy Trinity Primary School | Attendance & Punctuality
Mr Aaron is happy to offer support and advice to help improve attendance and punctuality.

Hot Chocolate with the Head
Congratulations to these children, whose brilliant work and attitudes to learning got them nominated for Hot Chocolate with the Head this week!
Year 6: Sheila
Year 5: Destiny
Year 4: Nancy
Year 3: Ivy
Year 2: Theodore
Year 1: Gianna