How to Identify our Class Prayer Leaders
Our Prayer Leaders can be identified by their shining badges, which indicate their role.

Shining Light Certificates
At Holy Trinity we love to celebrate children who share their shining light with the world! Each week children who have impressed their teachers by showing our school values of faith, endurance, respect and compassion in some way are awarded a certificate! Congratulations to this weeks shining lights!

Clown Service
The Clown Service takes place at All Saints Church, Haggerston on Sunday 2nd February. Doors open at 2pm and it’s first come, first served, with the service starting at 3pm.
Since 1946, clowns have gathered for this service, to remember the father of clowning, Joseph Grimaldi. Clowns of every age and nationality rejoice with hymns and entertain the congregation with stories from the Bible.
After the service clowns provide a show for local children and their families, and a generous supply of clown cake!
Plan to arrive early as seats are free and allocated on a first come first served basis. Suitable for all ages. The building is accessible for wheelchair users.

Packed Lunches
We are really proud of our delicious and healthy school meals, which are freshly cooked on the premises by our chef Graham each day.
If your child has a packed lunch, please remember that this should also be healthy and should follow these guidelines:
- Packed lunches should be based around a sandwich, wrap or home cooked meal. They should not be made up of packets of snack food.
- Chocolate and sweets are not permitted in packed lunches.
- Fruit and vegetables help to make a packed lunch extra healthy.
- Items containing nuts should never be brought to school due to other children with severe allergies.
We are very happy to assist any picky eaters and can also refer to experts who can help if you are worried that your child will not eat their meal but it is important that all meals eaten at school are healthy.

Well done to Year 4 for having the best attendance last week! Your attendance was 98%!
Year 4 : 98%
Year 2 : 97%
Year 5 : 93%
Year 6 : 93%
Year 1 : 92%
Year 3 : 90%
Congratulations to the following children, who had 100% attendance last week!

Well done to Year 5 for having 0% lateness last week!
Year 5: 0%
Year 4: 0.3%
Year 2: 0.8%
Year 1: 1.2%
Year 6: 1.3%
Year 3: 1.4%
You can find out more about attendance at Holy Trinity here: Holy Trinity Primary School | Attendance & Punctuality
Mr Aaron is happy to offer support and advice to help improve attendance and punctuality.

Hot Chocolate with the Head
Congratulations to these children, whose brilliant work and attitudes to learning got them nominated for Hot Chocolate with the Head on Friday!
Year 6: Kie
Year 5: Holly
Year 4: Nancy
Year 3: Elif
Year 2: Amiyah
Year 1: Christabel