Preschool Recycling and Art
Preschool are learning about recycling and how to reuse items to reduce our carbon footprints. Here we are, creating works of art!...
Times Tables Rockstars At the end of last week, children from Year 1 to Year 6 brought home a Times Tables Rockstars letter. Times Tables Rockstars helps children to improve their rapid recall of their times tables through fun games and competitions and it can...
At the end of last week, children from Year 1 to Year 6 brought home a Times Tables Rockstars letter. Times Tables Rockstars helps children to improve their rapid recall of their times tables through fun games and competitions and it can be accessed from any internet enabled device. We will be celebrating the most active child from each class during Friday’s Celebration Assembly and the school newsletter each week!
We are really proud of our delicious and healthy school meals, which are freshly cooked on the premises by our chef Graham each day.
If your child has a packed lunch, please remember that this should also be healthy and should follow these guidelines:
We are very happy to assist any picky eaters and can also refer to experts who can help if you are worried that your child will not eat their meal but it is important that all meals eaten at school are healthy.
Well done to Year 2 for having the best attendance last week! Your attendance was 96%!
Year 2 : 96%
Year 5 : 96%
Year 6 : 96%
Year 4 : 95%
Year 3 : 93%
Year 1 : 92%
Congratulations to the following children, who had 100% attendance last week!
Well done to Year 6 for having the best punctuality last week!
Year 6: 0.3%
Year 5: 0.3%
Year 2: 0.8%
Year 1: 1.2%
Year 4: 1.4%
Year 3: 1.7%
You can find out more about attendance at Holy Trinity here: Holy Trinity Primary School | Attendance & Punctuality
Mr Aaron is happy to offer support and advice to help improve attendance and punctuality.
Congratulations to these children, whose brilliant work and attitudes to learning got them nominated for Hot Chocolate with the Head on Friday!
Year 6: Gideon
Year 5: Lexi
Year 4: Joella
Year 3: Katelyn
Year 2: Rushane
Year 1: Evangeline
Preschool are learning about recycling and how to reuse items to reduce our carbon footprints. Here we are, creating works of art!...
As we work towards achieving our vision of every learner being empowered, inspired, and prepared, we’re excited to share a lovely new tradition at Holy Trinity! Our Prayer Leaders have begun adding colourful petals to our Values Tree, which represents the core values that guide us......
Holy Trinity’s School Council, our Prayer Leaders and a group of our Sustainability Leaders visited The Houses of Parliament on Thursday. During their tour they got to see debates in both chambers; The House of Commons and the House of Lords. They also saw the......
This week we’re learning about different transport vehicles. In our creative play activity we have different coloured spaghetti as traffic lights. The children are developing their fine motor skills by using jumbo tweezers to pick up the spaghetti as well as mix the colours....
This week in Maths the children of Year 1 have been learning how to identify the addends and write the correct expression for what they can see (e.g. 1 + 2 = 3). Through the use of objects, the children noticed that if they swapped......
This week, we embarked on an exciting new topic all about transport! We introduced a brand-new core book, Naughty Bus, which has quickly become a firm favourite in Nursery. The children loved listening to the story and were inspired to create their very own Naughty Bus drawings. We even......
This week Reception have immersed themselves in learning about forest animals! We’ve used tools appropriately to make 2D and 3D creations. In Mathematics, Reception used the familiar counting song ‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’ to introduce number 6. We created our own song......
This week in History, we’ve been learning all about The Great Fire of London! We worked as history detectives to figure out how the fire started and why it spread. To bring our learning to life, we got creative in Art! We made pictures of......
In Year 3, students engaged in role playing activity to immerse themselves in the story Isis and the Cobra. This interactive approach allowed them to explore the character’s motives in depth, enhancing their understanding of the narrative. Through role play, students gained insight into Isis’s......
In History this week, Year 4 have learnt about the Roman invasion on the Kent coast. We looked at the features of the coastline and how this would be an advantage or a disadvantage for the Romans....
On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to become chefs to prepare and make our own pizzas! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, thanks to the PTA who organised this trip for us!...
This week, Year 6 have been compiling evidence to support their argument on: the exploitation of those with abnormalities in freak shows. The argument is inspired by the life of a young boy from the story ‘The Little Freak’, which highlights the discrimination and unfair treatment......