Gardening Club in Action
In gardening club this week, we examined our garden ready to create plans on what we would like the garden to look like for this coming academic year. We are looking forward to seeing the garden full of life!
You are invited…
There are 3 events in this coming week that you are invited to and one the following week for the Early Years Parents.
TUESDAY 24th September – All parents and carers are welcome to attend the SEND coffee morning taking place in school on Tuesday 24th September – this is run by Magda our school Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools Worker (WAMHS). No need to let us know if you are coming, just pop into the office and 9am and let the staff know what you are there for.
WEDNESDAY 25th September – All parents and carers are also invited to the Holy Moly Church Service that takes place over the road in Holy Trinity Church between 5pm – 6pm on Wednesday this week. This is a service designed for families so there is space for little ones to move around if they want to or even sit on beanbags at the front.
FRIDAY 27th September – Parents and Carers from Years 1 – 6 are invited into school on Friday for Come Learn with Me. This is an opportunity to pop into class with your children for the first 30 minutes of the day. There will be a brief presentation at the end in which class teachers will share information with you about the coming term and the learning that the children will cover. These slides will be shared online via the school website so please don’t worry if you have more than one child and so miss the presentation in one of the rooms.
MONDAY 30th September – Parents and Carers from Nursery and Reception are invited into school on Monday for Come Learn with Me. This is an opportunity to stay in class with your child for the first 30 minutes of the day. There will be a brief presentation at the end in which class teachers will share information with you about the coming term and the learning that the children will cover. These slides will be shared online via the school website.
Hot Chocolate with the Head
Congratulations for the following children who have achieved Hot Chocolate with the Head next week.
Jacopo in our Nursery for being a star at tidying up the whole week!
Miguel in Year 1 for always ready for and enthusiastic about new challenges in the classroom.
Aiden in Year 2 for super enthusiasm in learning and a respectful attitude at all times.
Sofia in Year 3 for always having a great attitude towards learning and helping her peers.
Mai in Year 4 for always showing she is ready, respectful and safe.
Daniel in Year 5 for an excellent attitude towards learning and being ready of lessons.
Oreofe in Year 6 for always showing she is ready for learning and for writing a fantastic essay on the Great Depression.
I look forward to chatting with you next week about how you achieved Hot Chocolate with the Head.

Collective Worship with Reverend Laura
This week, Reverend Laura came to talk to us about forgiveness. We took part in a small play and reenacted the story of the Unforgiving Servant from Matthew. It reminded us that in order for us to receive forgiveness, we should forgive others.