Family Friday
We loved sharing the children’s learning with you during Family Friday this week! The next Family Friday is on Friday 29th November. Please come and join us again then.

Children in Need
We will be wearing pyjamas or spots on Friday to raise money for Children in Need! Please donate £1 or whatever you can afford to help children who are experiencing difficulties as a result of poverty, mental health, disabilities or illnesses. You can also contribute through this ParentPay Link

Anti-Bullying Week
This week is Anti-Bullying Week, and Tuesday is Odd Socks Day – wear the wildest combination of socks to show your support for anti-bullying. Odd Socks Day is a fun and easy way to celebrate our individuality and raise awareness of bullying.

Clergy Assembly
This week, Rev Laura told the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. Within the assembly, some children were challenged to see who could wrap a friend in toilet paper most successfully in two minutes!

Parent / Carer Meetings
It was fantastic to see so many parents for parent carer meetings this week and thank you for checking the records held by the school to ensure that we have up to date contact information and medical / dietary requirements.
Hot Chocolate with the Head
We look forward to seeing who will be our winners in assembly this week!