School starts at 08:55, children in Nursery and Reception go straight into class however children in Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 make their way into the whole school assembly at this time. This ensures a settled start to the school day and allows lessons to start promptly. Children should not arrive earlier than this unless they are attending Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club begins at 08:00. If your child is going to be late please telephone the school before 09:00 to inform us of this.
If children arrive after 08:55, they must report to the office to enter the school. If they arrive after 09:10 they will be marked in as late and their time of arrival noted. This is for health and safety reasons.
If children arrive after 09:30 without an authorised reason, the morning session is counted as an unauthorised absence. If a child is not registered as being in school and we have not received a phone call from an authorised family member before 09:30 the parent/carer will receive a phone call.
Punctual arrival in the mornings helps children value punctuality, and avoids disruption for the rest of the class. Children’s attendance is monitored carefully and the school works with the Local Authority and families when there are concerns about attendance.
If children are absent from school for any reason parents must call the office on 0207 254 1010 to report their absence before 09:00.
The school day ends at 15:30. Parents should wait in the playground. We are unable to provide supervision (for children not in the breakfast club) before 08:55 or after 15:45, and the school cannot accept any responsibility for children who are on the premises outside these times.
The climbing structures are closed before 09:15 and after 15:20 as they are unsupervised, the school does not hold any responsibility for anyone who uses these and/or hurts themselves during these times.
If children fall ill during the day, the school will telephone parents or nominated carers as soon as possible. Please ensure you keep the school informed if your contact numbers change.
Children are expected to come to school everyday unless they are too ill to be in school..
No child should come to school within 24 hours of having had an upset stomach or vomiting.