They meet as a group once a week with Ms Chantelle Phillips who leads school council as part of her school inclusion role. They lead an in class meeting once a fortnight to gather pupil voice and to feedback from issues previously raised that they have discussed in their school council meeting. They lead a whole school assembly and act of collective worship once a fortnight to present and share ideas and information pertaining to school and community life / issues. They lead on initiatives in the school school as Anti-Bullying Week, Children in Need and Christmas Jumper Day.
They present to the school LAB once a year to summarise initiatives undertaken throughout the year and share ideas for the coming year which feeds directly into the school development plan. Their link LAB member is Mr Aaron Webb.
There are two councillors in each class. They are voted in at the beginning of the year and have training on how to be a councillor.
Odd Socks Day – Anti-bullying Week
Our school councillors have been working incredibly hard to organise anti-bullying week. They made posters and displayed them around the school. They spread the word about ‘Odd Socks Day’ and were able to explain that wearing odd socks represented differences within our school. They prepared a whole presentation all about anti bullying and presented it to their classes (without any teacher input) and they also thought of activities for each class to carry out. They have been super confident, sensible and great role models.