Paper weaving in Year 3
In art this week, we have been perfecting our paper weaving skills. We made a heart template and chose two different colours to weave through....
In art this week, we have been perfecting our paper weaving skills. We made a heart template and chose two different colours to weave through....
In PSHE we have thought carefully about the meaning of the word 'bullying.' We talked about how it feels to be part of a group and how it might feel to be left out. We concluded that everyone has the right to feel safe and...
In our Art lessons, we have been using objects, such as lego, to make printed paintings!...
We critiqued the art work 'Katzenclub' by Luois Wain. We thought about what the cats were doing and what we might hear if we were there. We also discussed what we thought might happen next....
We have been using sponges to mix different colours. We then decorated our winter hats!...
We have been learning about shape in Maths. We had lots of fun building and drawing Tetromino and Pentomino arrangements. A Tetromino shape uses four square tiles while a Pentomino shape uses 5. We used the squares of our book as a helpful guide....
This term in Year 4, the children are creating artwork from recycled materials. For their final piece of artwork, they will be using bottle and jar lids to create a 3D sculpture. We would appreciate it if we could have donations of bottle and jar lids...
This term our topic is Winter so we made lots of different marks in the snow using paint brush....
We have been learning about reusing materials to make artwork. This sessions we have been using plastic bottles to make and decorate musical instruments, such as maracas. We will eventually look at how to reuse waste from home to make collages....
We've been getting festive with Christmas decorations. We took a walk to see our school Christmas Tree in the foyer then got creative making our own tree ornaments! ...