Learning about Patterns in Year 1
We have been copying, continuing and creating patterns this week in maths. [gallery ids="3664,3665,3666"]...
We have been copying, continuing and creating patterns this week in maths. [gallery ids="3664,3665,3666"]...
In maths we have been learning to add three one digit numbers. We started the week by rolling a dice three times and working out the total with our partners. Since then, we have learnt how to add three numbers more efficiently by looking for...
We have been looking closely at the numbers 4 and 5. We read the story of the Three Little Pigs and then we worked together to put the pigs and the wolf inside the house. We noticed that when all of the characters are inside...
We have been reviewing our understanding of column addition all week and we learnt the vocabulary addend and sum. We have then used our learning to calculated the cost of flights to different countries. We found it hard to understand how an indirect flight could...
We have been exploring counting forwards and backwards. We used our class friend the Octopus to help us climb up the staircase we built as we counted forwards. We then climbed down the staircase and counted backwards. We used our counting skills to help play...