Paper weaving in Year 3
In art this week, we have been perfecting our paper weaving skills. We made a heart template and chose two different colours to weave through....
In art this week, we have been perfecting our paper weaving skills. We made a heart template and chose two different colours to weave through....
In year 2, we have created our own ‘minibeast hotels’. In our science lessons we have been learning about habitats and this week we focussed our learning on microhabitats. We thought about what materials minibeasts might like in their ‘hotels’. We enjoyed looking for these...
In Reception we celebrated and explored Chinese New Year! We explored what colours, symbols, animals and food were a part of the celebration and role played being in a restaurant, ordering and eating with chopsticks!...
When the weather is as changeable as it is at the moment wellies can be a great way of getting to school either to dodge puddle or to jump and splash in them!! We have one request - please send shoes too as feet get...
Each morning a member of staff works through the list of children who are absent, that person is usually Ms Cunningham. Each morning Ms Cunningham checks a file that is created as parents fill in the online absence form link below: If a child's absence has...
The Year 5 children have arrived safely at Ufton Court. After unloading and getting their beds ready they went straight into an activity building and using catapults. [gallery ids="5252,5253"]...
Walking, cycling or scooting to school helps to keep your family fit and active. It also helps to reduce your risk of coming into contact with someone who has COVID compared with catching a bus or train. When you arrive at school please remember to drop...