Learning about Patterns in Year 1
We have been copying, continuing and creating patterns this week in maths. [gallery ids="3664,3665,3666"]...
We have been copying, continuing and creating patterns this week in maths. [gallery ids="3664,3665,3666"]...
In maths we have been learning to add three one digit numbers. We started the week by rolling a dice three times and working out the total with our partners. Since then, we have learnt how to add three numbers more efficiently by looking for...
Last Friday, we took part in an amazing Victorian day! During the day we: practiced writing lines, took part in an arithmetic lesson, wrote and drew some of our newspaper report, did a spelling test, wrote in a Victorian style, had our phonics lesson, did...
Our Science learning is focused on the water cycle and states of matter. This week we used boiling water to observe the process of evaporation and condensation....
In art we have also been recycling boxes into Roman shields so we are ready for battle! We have been exploring how Roman shields would have been used to protect soldiers during battles and discussed the significance of the patterns on the shields. They would...