Please note that individual school photographs will take place on Wednesday 20th November. Please ensure your child is in full school uniform and if you need any items please order from the online store here. ...
On the 15th November we will be collecting money for Children In Need. We would like you to wear something spotty and donate £1 at the school gate to participate. ...
If you are unsure about the homework that your child needs to be completing it can be found online, please click here to view it. Please ensure that you are giving your child the opportunity to practise their rapid recall of maths facts by practising...
Holy Trinity uniform is available to purchase online at Marks and Spencer. If you click here you will be taken directly to the school page. We will still be selling the remaining uniform we have however once stock runs out we will not be replacing...
Thank you to all the parents and carers who have signed up to parent pay and where relevant merged accounts for siblings. If you would like help in setting up your account or merging accounts if you have more than one child please let Fatma in...
The following statement has been sent out to schools by Annie Gammon, Head of Hackney Learning Trust, who has requested that it is shared with our school community. In light of the recent incident police have asked schools to pass on this advice and information to...
A free weekly run for 4-14 year olds. All abilities are welcome, you can walk, jog or run. Meet at 8:50am on Sundays for a gentle pre-run warm up near the cricket pitch before setting off on the 2K course. If you are interested register...
A reminder to all parents and carers with children in after school clubs. Please note children who are collected late twice will have their place withdrawn from the club for the remainder of the school term. If you are late to collect your child a...
The Spring Term After School Enrichment Club timetable is now out, click here to view it. Talk to your child about which clubs they wish to do before coming to sign up. Remember it is first come, first paid....