Holy Trinity Book Fair
Our book fair starts on Wednesday 26th March and ends on Tuesday 1st April. Children will be able to choose books in the book fair, which can be paid for electronically. Please do not send money to school with your child as they will be unable to pay with cash.

Red Nose Day
We had lots of fun on Friday and raised over £250 for Comic Relief through fund raising and the sale of red noses! Thank you for your generous donations. The ParentPay link is still open here

Holy Trinity Writing Competition

Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 were told about this writing competition in Celebration Assembly on Friday. The winning entrant from Key Stage 2 will have their work published in a book!

Are You Interested in Becoming a Teacher?
Do you know that Primary Advantage schools have a long track record of training teachers, many of whom go on to work in our schools? We host around 20 student teachers on placement in our schools each year, and you can even apply directly through Primary Advantage for a place on the Primary PGCE with the Institute of Education – UCL. If you apply through us and are successful this will guarantee that your placements are in our federation schools in Hackney.
If you are thinking of teaching as a career but are not sure, or would like to gain experience before you start training, we can also help you arrange some school experience in one of the Primary Advantage schools. This will help you gain an understanding of the role of the teacher, add some skills and experience to your CV, and make sure teaching is the right choice for you.
We are now taking applications to train with Primary Advantage starting September 2025. To find out more, see
here, or contact Primary Advantage Learning, Development and Partnerships on
palearning@primaryadvantage.hackney.sch.uk, or call 020 7254 1010 (option 5) We welcome enquiries and are happy to answer any questions – please get in touch.
Hot Chocolate with the Head
Well done to the following children for being awarded Hot Chocolate with the Head for their brilliant work / attitudes to learning this week:
Year 1 : Lucas
Year 2 : Saya
Year 3 : Mam Lai
Year 4 : Stephanie
Year 5 : Alfie
Year 6 : Shiyar
Here are some of our winners, along with the Times Tables Rockstars champion for this week, enjoying their hot chocolate on Friday!

Well done to Year 5 for having the best attendance last week! Your attendance was 99%!
Year 5 : 99%
Year 6 : 97%
Year 3 : 95%
Year 1 : 94%
Year 2 : 94%
Year 4 : 92%
Congratulations to the following children, who had 100% attendance last week:

Well done to Year 4 for having the best punctuality last week!
Year 4: 0.3%
Year 6: 0.6%
Year 5: 0.7%
Year 2: 0.7%
Year 3: 0.8%
Year 1: 0.8%
You can find out more about attendance at Holy Trinity here: Holy Trinity Primary School | Attendance & Punctuality
Mr Aaron is happy to offer support and advice to help improve attendance and punctuality.

Times Tables Rockstars
Well done to the following children for being class champions this week, for playing Times Tables Rockstars for the most minutes in their class:

These children were the overall leaders for the school. Well done!:

This code will allow you to join the PTA Announcement (WhatsApp) group. The PTA will post useful information links for parents and carers. Please note this is not a discussion group. The group is not run by Holy Trinity School.

How Can I Help My Child to Pray?
As the seasons change the leaves change colour on the trees around us! It’s a visual reminder that life is always moving forwards and God is always at work around us. Pick up a leaf and thank God for the exciting seasons ahead and the new things to come. If you feel worried about whats ahead talk to God about that too, he cares about it all.