What happens if my child bumps their head in school?
For all incidents where a child requires first aid in school a form is filled in and sent home with your child, so that you are aware of the incident. When a bump to the head is sustained an email is sent home to let all legal guardian know about the incident. The email will state:
If your child has sustained a bump to the head and the first aid staff feel that it requires you to collect your child, we will telephone you to inform you that you need to collect your child.
What happens in the event of a serious accident?
If there is a serious accident, we will contact a Parent/Carer immediately, and if necessary will arrange for an ambulance to take your child to hospital. It is therefore vital that you keep the school informed of any changes of contact phone numbers of all nominated emergency contacts. The school phone is 020 7254 1010.
How do I apply for a period of school absence during term time?
Parents who take their children out of school during term time for holidays are at risk of receiving a fine. Please be aware that leave during term time can only be considered for exceptional circumstances. Any requests for leave must be applied for in writing to the Head Teacher. In the event of exceptional circumstances evidence will be required.
What happens if I am late to collect my child?
For 3:30pm collection if the lateness goes beyond 10 minutes a fee of £5 will be applied to your parent pay account for the first hour. If the lateness continues beyond 4:30pm an additional £10 late fee will be applied to your parent pay account. At 5:30pm there will be an additional £10 fee applied and if this lateness goes beyond 6pm then a late fee of £5 per 5 minutes will be applied. A referral will be made to Social Services after 6:30pm if no contact can be made with a parent or carer.
If you are meant to be collecting your child between 11:30 – 11:45 and you are late please ensure that you call the school. If the lateness goes beyond 10 minutes a fee of £5 will be applied to your parent pay account.
If you are collecting from an enrichment club, in the event that you are 10 or more minutes late to collect your child a £10 fee will be applied. At 5:30pm there will be an additional £10 fee applied and if this lateness goes beyond 6pm then a late fee of £5 per 5 minutes will be applied. A referral will be made to Social Services after 6:30pm if no contact can be made with a parent or carer.
Who can collect my child?
Children can only be collected by the people who are on your child’s contact list. Please update this in the office if there is a change to who is collecting your child. Children can also only be collected by people who are 16 years and over. If you are sending an older sibling to collect your child please ensure that they are not younger than 16. If they look younger than 16 please ask them to bring ID with them to show they are 16 in case they are stopped by the teacher.
Can my child walk home alone?
From September 2022 pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 may make their own way home with parental consent and agreement from the head teacher. Children in Year 5 and 6 will not be able to take younger siblings home.
A request for this must be put in writing and given to the Pastoral Manager (Ms Cunningham), this will be reviewed with the class teacher and head teacher before the children is given permission to walk home. Please ensure that when this request is sent that it includes:
- Name of your child
- Date of birth of your child
- Your name
- Your relationship with the child
- The address they will be travelling to
- That you take full responsibility for your child once they leave the school premises
Click here for an example letter.
Can my child bring their mobile phone to school?
We have a policy that no mobile phones are allowed in school. In the case of an emergency, please write a letter to the school explaining why your child needs their phone and we will hold it in the school reception until the end of the day. For children in Years 5 and 6 who are walking home alone a mobile phone can be held for them in the front office during the school day. On these occasions, the school cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of your phone, if you choose to leave it in the reception area.
Can my child wear jewellery in school?
Jewellery is not allowed, with the exception of watches, small stud earrings or a crucifix which remain the responsibility of the child.
What do I need to know about COVID-19 schools?
If you want to read information about school opening in September 2020 there are FAQs that relate directly to it, these can be found by clicking here.