Welcome to our Holy Trinity Pre School; we hope that you enjoy navigating your way through and if you have any questions please do let us know.
“Holy Trinity preschool is like a home from home. The staff are just wonderful, incredibly warm and friendly. They come up with so many creative ideas that my son loves. The outdoor space is beautiful and I love the face that there is a separate sleep room where the children have a cot. He is so happy at preschool and I know he is truly cared for.” Angela – Parent of a preschooler
“Thanks all for the incredible work you’re doing working through this tough time. My children are thoroughly enjoying being back. It’s done their mental health (and ours!) the world of good.” Kate – Parent of a preschooler and school child
“Our son has been so secure in your school and has gained in confidence and motivation over his time at Holy Trinity from the age of one. It was a very big decision for us to leave him in a nursery at the age of one and I can safely say you offered the quality of care that is very rare in preschool provision. We will be forever grateful for your love of him.” Orlene – Parent of a preschooler