Christmas Nativity
We shared the Christmas Nativity with our friends and family, it was such a wonderful experience and it was great fun....
We shared the Christmas Nativity with our friends and family, it was such a wonderful experience and it was great fun....
In RE this week, we are learning about 'peace'. We had a discussion about what peace means to us then drew our own peace symbols in our books!...
In RE this term, we have been thinking about what makes each character in the Christmas story important. This week we got in role as Mary and Joseph and took part in a hot seating activity. Our peers asked us questions about why we would...
Year 2 have really enjoyed working on their R.E. floor book. We have been learning about how Christians show commitment to God and the church and this week we learnt about Christenings and Baptisms. We love working on our floor book together as it is...
We have been considering the Easter story and we have learnt about the symbols that represent Easter, new life and the Christian message of Easter. We made Easter baskets that we designed with eggs, crosses and chicks which all represent the Easter story....
Our school councillors, delivered an interesting and exciting presentation about anti-bullying this week when they led collective worship. We then designed anti-bullying super heroes with different super powers!...
We had a fantastic launch for our learning about Black History this morning, our collective worship focused on Perseverance - the theme of our week....