Exploring the differences between Kenya and the UK in Year 2
In Geography this week, we have completed our learning on our topic of Kenya. We have been answering the question what are the differences between Kenya and the UK?...
In Geography this week, we have completed our learning on our topic of Kenya. We have been answering the question what are the differences between Kenya and the UK?...
In Year 6 during our Geography lesson, we created sketch maps of our local area. Can you spot our school?...
In Humanities we became Geographers and studied world rivers. We can name the longest on each continent....
In Geography this week, we have been comparing what we have learnt about the Caribbean to what we know about the United Kingdom. We have considered human and physical features as well as food and culture....
We have learnt about the different types of biomes located in South America. Our focus country, Chile, has two key biomes - desert and tundra. Can you locate Chile on the map?...
In geography this week, we have created posters ready for our assembly. We have been researching about Caribbean culture in preparation. We would like to invite all Year 2 parents and guardians to come and see what we have been learning....
In Geography, we have been naming and locating the seven continents and the five oceans. We started off our lesson by completing a world map jigsaw in pairs....
In Art, we have been looking at Caribbean art and have created our own using SketchesSchool. We love the bright colours and relaxing landscapes!...
We have been writing a persuasive text about deforestation. Before we started writing, we held a debate where we argued for and against deforestation in the Amazon rainforest....
In Geography this term we are learning about the Amazon rainforest. For our first lesson we created a fact file with a map of the Amazon and used our research skills to find out geographical facts....