Exploring multiples of 100 in Year 4
In our Maths lessons, we have been exploring different strategies we can use to add multiples of 100. We used different practical resources to help us....
In our Maths lessons, we have been exploring different strategies we can use to add multiples of 100. We used different practical resources to help us....
In Maths we have been looking at how to use the greater than, less than and equal symbols to compare groups of objects. In this picture, the children were rolling a dice and then adding the number of 'spots' to their dinosaur. Afterwards, they compared...
In our Maths learning this week, we have been using a variety of concrete materials such as dice and cubes to create number sentences which add 3 add ends together. We have also really enjoyed working with our talk partners!...
What a fantastic first week we have had settling into Year 1! During our Maths lessons we have been practising the skill of comparing quantities and measures. Here we are comparing the weight of objects from around our school. First we used our hands to...
We have been looking at the number 1000. We have used different types of measures to explore the number, looking at capacity, length and mass....
In Maths, we used a Gattegno Chart to help us understand the powers of 10. This chart is extremely useful in helping us decompose numbers....
In Maths this week we were learning about non unit fractions. To consolidate our learning, we played a fraction game where we made wholes using equal parts of different foods....
In Nursery we have been exploring familiar routes and directional language in our maths lessons. We've been learning and exploring through play by giving the beebots some directions to follow. We've had a blast!...
In maths we have been practising the skill of multiplication using arrays. Here we are making an array out of our own bodies. We learnt that an array is an arrangement of objects in rows and columns....
In maths, we have been recapping our knowledge of time so that we are ready for next year. Whilst we have mainly been focussing on our knowledge of o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, lots of people in our classroom were ready to...