All about fractions in Year 3
In maths, we have started learning about fractions. We cut out shapes and worked out if they were made of equal or unequal parts....
In maths, we have started learning about fractions. We cut out shapes and worked out if they were made of equal or unequal parts....
This week in, we have been recapping our knowledge on direction, time and fractions. We practiced our direction language with an app called bee bot which also required us to refresh our knowledge of coding. We practiced our time knowledge by showing different times on...
This week we completed an escape room in teams We used all our learning from our maths lessons this year to break a code and escape....
In Maths this week we have been learning to use the column method for subtraction. We have been using digital manipulatives available on the braining camp app to support our understanding....
In maths we were investigating area using manipulative, we challenged ourselves to see how many different shapes we could make with an area of 7 squares of the same size....
We have loved learning about area this week using technology. We have learnt that area is the space inside a closed two-dimensional shape. We have been calculating area, comparing area and making our own shapes of a certain area using Geoboard on Braining Camp....
We have been comparing our 2, 4 and 8 times tables. We did this by creating mixed operation sentences and representing it on ‘braining camp’ using our iPads....
We have been revisiting our number knowledge and exploring ways to describe what we have around us! To help us make connections and for us to see that we can use our wonderful maths knowledge every single day, we used biscuits! We had 3 different...
This week we have been working together to count forwards and backwards in the correct order. We played missing number games and muddled up numbers on a washing line for re-ordering to hone our counting skills....
In reception we have been learning how to partition numbers into two smaller parts. We focused on the number 10 and worked together to split 10 between 2 parts and then 3 parts. This helped us to make number sentences!...