Practicing positional language in Maths in Nursery
During our Maths sessions, we were using positional language. We were outside going up and down the hill and the slide....
During our Maths sessions, we were using positional language. We were outside going up and down the hill and the slide....
In Maths we have been learning all about fractions. We have been identifying halves, thirds and quarters in a variety of representations such as pizzas, shapes and numicon. In this picture the children were using multilink cubes to build towers, and then identify a half...
In Year 4 we’ve been looking at the relationships between parts and wholes. We’ve been looking at how equal parts relate to fractions....
In Maths, we have been exploring different ways to measure length, capacity and mass. Here we are practising measuring capacity using water and different shaped measuring jugs....
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning about measuring length and height. We used non-standard measures to begin with. Here we are measuring some of our reading books using Unifix cubes....
In our Early Years outdoor continuous provision, we have been playing large scale games such as 'Snakes and Ladders'. During the game, we have been practising our number recognition and counting as we move around the board....
In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to identify both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Some of the activities have included finding everyday objects in the classroom and outdoor learning environment, and recognising the mathematical names for each shape. Furthermore, we have discussed the properties of...
In Science, we undertook an investigation to see whether or not people with longer feet have larger hand spans. Firstly, we made predictions about what results we might find out. Then, we went off into groups and measured our feet and hands using cubes as...
In Reception, we've been developing our fine motor skills whilst creating some Easter themed crafts. We looked at different 2D shapes as we were making our bunnies!...
We have continued focusing on our core text 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We re-told the story and tasted some of the fruits the caterpillar ate. We had some oranges, strawberries, apples and pears, It was sooo delicious! In Maths this week we were creating patterns....