Making different amounts with coins in Year 2
In Maths, we have been learning about money. Here we are adding coins together to make different amounts....
In Maths, we have been learning about money. Here we are adding coins together to make different amounts....
In Maths, we have been learning to count efficiently in 5s. Firstly we learnt how to count orally in 5s. We paid close attention to the rhythm of the count and noticed a pattern as we moved past 20. Afterwards, we looked at counting in...
This week 4 mathematicians from Year 5 represented Holy Trinity at the Guildhall city of London. A level students from Christs Hospital Independent School helped all the challengers solve puzzles and do some maths magic!...
We learnt all about fractions, decimals and percentages. We were able to compare and order by converting to equivalent units. Can you find out what decimal and fraction is equivalent to 67%?...
In our continuous provision, we have been developing our fine and gross motor skills by drawing large scale vehicles. We have also been using our mathematical awareness to identify and use shapes in these drawings....
In Year 1, we have been learning how the tens and ones structure can be used to support addition calculations. The children used dienes and part-whole models to practice adding groups of 10s and 1s together to find the sum....
In our Maths lessons we have been learning about fractions. We started with learning fractions of shapes and are now moving on to finding fractions of numbers....
In Maths, we are learning about measuring volume of cuboids. We used 1cm x 1cm x 1cm cubes to make different shapes. Make sure you ask what volume is and what units of measure can be used to measure volume!...
In Nursery, as part of our exploration of the story ' The Naughty Bus' we have been looking at buses and different types of transport we use and see around us. We have been making our own graphs of how we all come to school....
In maths, year 2 have been putting their knowledge of 5 times table to the test. We have used our multiplication skills to learn about 5 minute intervals on the clock....