Developing Oracy during PSHE in Year 1
In PHSE this week, we were having discussions about people who help us and who we can go to when we are in need. We showed fantastic listening to our classmates when it was their turn to talk....
In PHSE this week, we were having discussions about people who help us and who we can go to when we are in need. We showed fantastic listening to our classmates when it was their turn to talk....
In our PSHE lessons, we have been learning all about relationships. This week, we were working in groups to explore how we can keep safe. We thought about who can keep us safe, places that are safe and how to deal with things that feel...
In PSHE, we are learning about the emotions people feel when they suffer a loss. We worked in groups to read different scenarios and gave our opinions on how they felt/coped during their grief....
We have been thinking about relationships in PSHE. We began by thinking about family and then started thinking about other relationships. In this lesson we explored touch and how it can feel negative or positive. These pictures show our activity of exploring touch and the...
We had a visit from our friends at Upton Court to work on our team building as a class. We worked in groups and took part in many activities that required good communication and teamwork....
We have been doing mindful breathing exercises after lunch to help us be calm and ready for our afternoon of learning....
In PSHE this week we have been thinking about working as a team. We played a mirroring game and thought about how it feels to work with a partner. We said we felt 'delighted' and that it was 'exciting' to be a leader....
We have been talking about our dreams and goals. We sat in a circle and discussed the steps we need to take to achieve our goals. Each time we thought of a step to get there we took a big step forward....
In PSHE we have thought carefully about the meaning of the word 'bullying.' We talked about how it feels to be part of a group and how it might feel to be left out. We concluded that everyone has the right to feel safe and...
We have practised our teamwork and cooperation skills in PSHE. We found it a tough challenge though as we had to make pictures of different things using only 2D shapes in under a minute! Can you guess what the pictures are that we have created?...