Fantastic Phonics in Reception!
Look at the brilliant work that these two Reception writers have done! They have written cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, which their teacher said to them, independently in their books! Well done!...
Look at the brilliant work that these two Reception writers have done! They have written cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, which their teacher said to them, independently in their books! Well done!...
Reception class and their parents were invited to the library this week, where the children got their own library cards, found out about the activities and resources they can access, and heard a story in the special story time room!...
Reception had a fantastic time during their Family Thursday, showing each other their costumes and reading with the adults!...
This week in Reception, we’ve been focusing on the composition of number 7. In phonics, we’ve focused on blending sounds together. We’ve celebrated both Pancake Day and World Book Day!...
This week in Reception there’s been lots of mark making - practising both numbers and sounds. Children have been showing a great, can do attitude, and tried hard to achieve their goals!...
Reception worked together to make a tasty dish, while talking about what they were doing in order to develop their vocabulary...
Reception had a great time playing parachute games in P.E. They practised co-ordinating their actions with each other and learned that if you listen carefully and work together you have lots of fun!...
This week Reception have immersed themselves in learning about forest animals! We’ve used tools appropriately to make 2D and 3D creations. In Mathematics, Reception used the familiar counting song ‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’ to introduce number 6. We created our own song...
Over the last few weeks, Reception Class have been over learning the story of Blue Penguin by Peter Horáček. We have been studying the animals that live in Antarctica. For our maths learning, we have been matching the numeral to the quantity - the Numberblocks...
Here are Reception class immersing themselves in learning about their new topics of shape and winter!...