Oliver’s Vegetables
We have been reading Oliver's Vegetables and exploring seeds in soil. We are developing our fine motor skills and getting better at using tweezers to pick up small objects....
We have been reading Oliver's Vegetables and exploring seeds in soil. We are developing our fine motor skills and getting better at using tweezers to pick up small objects....
In our English lessons we have been reading the book 'A Frog's Life Cycle'. We learnt about diagrams, labels and captions. Here is an example of our writing....
In Science we have been learning all about bones. We know that bones give our bodies support, protection and the ability to move. We even had a visit from a skeleton to see how everything moved and worked together!...
In Science we have been learning all about staying healthy and the different things we can do. We talked about exercise, balanced diets and hygiene. We made our own exercise videos, explored different food groups and even did a science experiment to learn about the...
We have been focusing on the story 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers in their Writing lessons this week. We used the story to help us to settle back into school and to think about our amazing planet and local community. Here we are in...