Learning the Spanish names for fruit through song in Year 3
In Spanish we have extended our vocabulary and learnt how to say the names of different fruits....
In Spanish we have extended our vocabulary and learnt how to say the names of different fruits....
In Spanish we have been devising our own songs. The lyrics are based on all the things we like, which are translated into Spanish....
We recently had our first ever Spanish lesson in year 1! We met a new teacher called Senor Enrique and he taught us how to say hello and good afternoon in Spanish. Additionally, he also taught us two new songs and the Spanish words for different...
In Spanish we are looking at the weather. Test us on how to say the different types of weather!...
Hola! This week, we have been learning about clothes in our Spanish lessons. We learnt the Spanish verb for ‘wear’ and creating sentences using the verb. Gracias a todos....
This week at the Curve Garden, we got to do some live drawing of mini beasts. We had a selection of worms, wood lice, snails and slugs to sketch....
We have been exploring balanced diets and healthy eating in Science. We looked at different foods and learnt about what they do for our body. We learnt what the food groups are called and which foods go in which group. ...
In Spanish we have been learning the vocabulary for fruit. Our Spanish speaking pupil helped teach everyone else the correct pronunciation of all the words we are learning....
We have Language Angels supporting our teaching of Spanish at school in KS2!...