Missing number problems in Year 3
We have been solving missing number problems in our maths lessons. We have been rearranging the number sentences and also writing the inverse to check our answers!...
We have been solving missing number problems in our maths lessons. We have been rearranging the number sentences and also writing the inverse to check our answers!...
This term we have been learning about The Suffragettes in History. We have also been writing letters in the perspective of Emmeline Pankhurst. “Deeds Not Words!”...
We made Christingles in RE to celebrate Jesus Christ as “the light of the world. We watched Reverend Laura’s assembly and then all lit our “candles” together....
In art this week, we have been perfecting our paper weaving skills. We made a heart template and chose two different colours to weave through....
We have been learning about the suffragette movement in our history lessons, so we designed and made protest posters. We held a silent protest around the school. Here are our posters!...
In PE we have been completing rugby drills. We then used these skills to play games of tag ruby....
In science this week we have been investigating friction. We used a ramp with different surfaces such as carpet, smooth plastic and corrugated cardboard and timed how long it took for the toy car to reach the end of the ramp. ...
In Science we have been learning all about friction. We predicted which surface the car would travel faster on and then tested it by timing how long it took the car to roll down the ramp on different surfaces. We found that the smoother the...
In our maths lessons we have been learning about angles in shapes. We played guess the shape with a partner. Mohammed described his shape as having 4 right angles and four sides of the same length. Can you guess the shape?...
Our new Science topic is all about forces. In groups we explored our classroom to find out what can be pulled and pushed and the effects of these forces....