Finishing the Trip to Ufton with a Positive Note
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We are in charge of feeding the goats and pigs. [gallery ids="8117,8118,8119,8120,8121,8122,8123,8124,8125,8258,8259,8260,8261,8262,8263"]...
In PSHE we were exploring the definition of wisdom. We created a wisdom tree with proverbs and personal wisdom from our parents, religions or sayings we have heard at home. ...
In Writing, we are writing an information text about the big book of beasts. We identified the features and purpose of features in informational texts. Ask us what parenthesis is and why we use it!...
Year 5 tested their scientific skills by conducting an experiment into which materials were soluble in water and which were insoluble. They diligently recorded their results for coffee, tea, sand, flour and sugar. What do you think they found out?...
In our class assembly, we retold the stories of Queen Yaa Asentewaa and Queen Amina based on our Black History Month learning....
In Year 5, we practiced using Cuisenaire rods to explore additive structures....
We have been writing our own Beowulf tale! We used our drama and narration skills to act out scenes from Beowulf and the Sea-hag. When we froze the narrator retold the story and the actors had to act out in response....
We have been writing a character description of a vile creature from the myth of Beowulf. In groups we created our own mythical creatures by drawing a part of the creature each....