We see good behaviour as a means of ensuring all members of the school community feel safe and happy and we take a positive approach to supporting children in developing good behaviour and attitudes.
We teach our children about their rights but we take care to ensure that they also understand their responsibilities. We use a positive Pivotal approach to behaviour management. We expect appropriate behaviour in class, the playground, at school functions and in the community at large. Our Behaviour Blueprint provides a clear summary of our approach.
When children are given time to reflect on an incident, they complete a reflection sheet. The reflection sheets guide the thought process and discussion for all children and provide consistency in those discussions. The reflection sheets are sent home with children so that parents and carers are aware of what has happened in school and provide a framework for discussion at home.
These have been proving successful in supporting children to reflect on events that have occurred. Please click on the image below to enlarge it.
Click on our Behaviour Policy for further information.