Year 5 Writing Competition Entrants
Our fantastic writing entrants (from year 5) were hard at work during play time today, in preparation for the competition deadline. We cannot wait to read their creative masterpiece!...
Our fantastic writing entrants (from year 5) were hard at work during play time today, in preparation for the competition deadline. We cannot wait to read their creative masterpiece!...
We completed our Science learning sequence this week by comparing the similarities and differences between plants. To begin with, the children recalled the names of a range of plants they have been learning about including poppies, nettles, geraniums and dandelions. Afterwards, the children worked together...
This week in our collective worship sessions, we learned about integrity and the importance of the covenant made between God and Abraham in Genesis 15:1-12 and 17-18. Thank you Aleka for your fantastic collective worship this week, where you developed the theme of integrity, with...
In our Holy Moly Family Service this week, we talked about how important prayer is as a way to talk to God. The children made their own rosary keyrings to support them with prayer. Their lovely keyrings have a crucifix at the bottom and beads...
As part of St. Patrick's day, the babies are creating a green collage using their imagination. We're exploring different textures and shades of green using tissue paper, glitter and paint!...
This week in Nursery, we started a new story—The Very Hungry Caterpillar—which has quickly become a favourite! Inspired by the story, we created our own caterpillars using various materials and techniques, including playdough, paint stamping with balloons, and handprints. We also explored symmetry by spreading...
Look at the brilliant work that these two Reception writers have done! They have written cvc (consonant-vowel-consonant) words, which their teacher said to them, independently in their books! Well done!...
This week, Year 3 entertained and educated us with a fantastic sharing assembly all about the Ancient Egyptians, who they have been learning about in their history lessons this term....
This week, we launched our Moon Landings History topic by thinking about why a person might want to go to space. We imagined all the reasons—fame, curiosity, and scientific experiments! Then, we had fun making a Diamond 4 to debate why Buzz Aldrin would have decided to go...
In Science this week, Year 4 have continued learning about sound. We began the week by testing whether sound will only travel through gases or whether sound can travel through liquids and solids too. Through testing with liquids and solids, we discovered that sound can...