Year 4 Art: Flower Printing
In art this week, Year 4 were studying flower heads in preparation for their printing to start next week. ...
In art this week, Year 4 were studying flower heads in preparation for their printing to start next week. ...
In art this week, we discussed how colours work together and identified how colours make us feel....
Reception have been carefully cutting out Christmas trees to decorate for the holidays....
This week in Year 1, we have been getting ready for Christmas by using arts and crafts materials to make some festive ornaments! The children were very proud of their paper plate Santas, which they made carefully using paints, marker pens and cotton wool. We...
In this term’s final cookery club we made white chocolate and marshmallow Rice Krispie cakes. We melted the white chocolate in a Bain Marie, then children had to stir the mixture quickly so that the chocolate didn’t set before popping it into the paper cases. There were chocolate...
This week in Art, we used our pictures of the London Skyline that we drew in the last lesson to make new art pieces. The children used water colour paints on top of their wax crayon outlines to make the pictures really come to life!...
This week, Preschool children explored mixing colours. Each child was given their own paint palette and colours such as pink, blue, yellow, black and red to mix together and create new colours!...
What a Busy Week We Had in Nursery! This week in Nursery was full of festive cheer and learning fun! We began exploring a new story, "Dear Santa". This charming tale took us on an adventure with Santa as he searched for the perfect gift, ending with a...
This week, Year 6 have been creating collages as part of their photography art unit. Children used their knowledge of composition and perspective to tell a story through a series of photos that they took the previous lesson....
Christmas preparations are well underway in preschool. We really enjoyed making our own wrapping paper using different coloured paints and brown paper. We hope to see our wrapping paper under your trees soon, Preschool!...