Viking Shields in Year 3
We have been learning about how the Viking's lived, we looked at the armour they had. We then had a go at designing and making our own Viking shields....
We have been learning about how the Viking's lived, we looked at the armour they had. We then had a go at designing and making our own Viking shields....
We have been learning about primary and secondary colours and how to mix colours together. We have also added this to our new learning of pointillism as this was a very popular art style in the Victorian times....
We are learning all about the Stone Age to Iron Age. We got stuck into cave painting, to experience how the Stone Age people painted without paint brushes or paint as we know it today....
In History we are learning about the Vikings and the Viking Invasion of Britain. We have created a wall display showing a map from those times and made Viking long boats to add to the display. We are reading a book called ‘Viking Invasion’ by...
We have been to the art room to paint our self portraits. We used mirrors to look at our image and then mixed colours to create the colours we needed....
In the preschool we have been making marks on our hand prints for our new classroom display....
We have been creating collage pieces based on Surprised! By Henri Rousseau. We used clay, tissue paper and paint to create layers and texture. ...
Year 1 completed a project with the Dalston Curve Garden. Click here to see the book that they have created....