Art Sessions with our New Artist in Residence in Year 5.
In our art lesson this week, we were learning about depth. We used different pencils and practised shading different shapes....
In our art lesson this week, we were learning about depth. We used different pencils and practised shading different shapes....
This week we have been exploring the colour yellow. We’ve looked at different objects and animals that are yellow, such as chicks. We’re decorating our chicks with different materials such as feathers, tissue paper, glitter and paint. We’re practising making strokes, shaking glitter and being...
In Nursery, we started reading our new core text "What the Ladybird Heard" by Julia Donaldson. We learned new vocabulary about farm animals and we made ladybirds with our playdough!...
Our new topic is 'Colours'. We made a beautiful craft rainbow. We then sat down with rainbows and sang the rainbow song together as a class....
Year 6 went on a school trip to the William Morris Gallery. At the gallery, we learnt about William Morris’s life and work. We then were able to create our own prints in the same style....
On Thursday, the Year 5’s visited an exhibition which featured different pieces of art made from glass. We also took part in a workshop that explored how artwork links to sustainability, identity and wellbeing....
In our Art lesson this week, we have been learning how to create repeated patterns. We learnt about a designer named Orla Keily who designs wallpapers using repeated patterns. We used different mediums to recreate some of her famous patterns....
In Reception we have started our new core text ' The gruffalo'- A class favourite! We have been moulding, twisting and pinching the playdoh to create different Characters from the story....
In Year 1, we read the story of ‘The snail and the Whale’ for the first time. We thought about questions like ‘What would you have done if you were the snail?’ and ‘How will the story end?’ After this, we took part in a...
In Nursery we learned about Christmas celebrations. We read the book “Dear Santa”, we visited Santa’s grotto and created Christmas tree’s decorations by threading beads into pipe cleaners. We had a lot of fun!...