Year 3’s Fantastic Class Assembly
This week, Year 3 entertained and educated us with a fantastic sharing assembly all about the Ancient Egyptians, who they have been learning about in their history lessons this term....
This week, Year 3 entertained and educated us with a fantastic sharing assembly all about the Ancient Egyptians, who they have been learning about in their history lessons this term....
This week, we launched our Moon Landings History topic by thinking about why a person might want to go to space. We imagined all the reasons—fame, curiosity, and scientific experiments! Then, we had fun making a Diamond 4 to debate why Buzz Aldrin would have decided to go...
In History this week, Year 4 finished their unit on the Roman Empire by finally answering the question: Why did the Roman Empire fall? We looked at 6 different reasons why the Roman Empire finally fell and then connected reasons together with common themes. We are...
This week we have been using our skills as historians to investigate sources. We looked at four sources linked to Howard Carter uncovering Tutankhamun and thought about what each source told us. We learned that Tutankhamun was an important pharaoh because he had so many...
In History this week, Year 4 have been Roman architects. They looked at the needs of Roman people and designed their towns accordingly. We made sure that each town had: a forum, a bathhouse, a place to worship all the gods and goddesses and super straight roads....
This week Year 1 went to the Hackney Museum. We travelled to the museum by bus and the children learned the importance of staying safe when going on school trips. At the museum, the children had the opportunity to explore the surroundings and they engaged...
In History this week, Year 4 have reviewed Boudicca’s life and the reasons that she would want a revolution. We then valued each stage of her life and created a living timeline, determining the positive and negative parts of her experiences . We then used...
We learned about what different people did during the disaster of the Great Fire. Working in pairs, we made presentations to decide who was most to blame for the fire and who was the biggest hero. We had fun sharing ideas and thinking about who...
This week Year 2 have been on a time travel adventure learning all about the Great Fire of London. We’ve sequenced events to create our own timelines. It felt like solving a mystery as we explored how the fire began in 1666 and how it...
On Friday, we visited an exhibition: Working Class Britain Re-Seen. The exhibition explores the overlooked richness and diversity of working-class life and creative expression from the 1950s to the present day. ...