Victorian Day in Year 2
We had the most interesting day in Year 2, we were taken back in time to the Victorian times....
We had the most interesting day in Year 2, we were taken back in time to the Victorian times....
We have been learning about how the Viking's lived, we looked at the armour they had. We then had a go at designing and making our own Viking shields....
We have loved learning about Boudicca and the Rebellion. We have had discussions on whether we think she is a hero or a villain and explaining our reasoning. In history, we have been creating biographies on her as well as 'wanted' posters in the perspective...
In history, we have been comparing toys from the past and present. We then designed our own toy puppets and made them using stencils, cutting and glueing. [gallery ids="3553,3552,3551,3550,3549"] ...
We have been learning about primary and secondary colours and how to mix colours together. We have also added this to our new learning of pointillism as this was a very popular art style in the Victorian times....
In History we are learning about the Romans. We created freeze frames to re-enact the last moments of Boudicca’s life. We also created missing person posters!...
We are learning all about the Stone Age to Iron Age. We got stuck into cave painting, to experience how the Stone Age people painted without paint brushes or paint as we know it today....
We have been reading a newspaper all about Julius Caesar. We have then learnt about the key features of this type of text so that we can then use them in planning an article of our own in writing lessons....
In History we are learning about the Vikings and the Viking Invasion of Britain. We have created a wall display showing a map from those times and made Viking long boats to add to the display. We are reading a book called ‘Viking Invasion’ by...
We have been researching different areas of Victorian life. We will be using the facts that we have learnt to write non-chronological reports....