Exploring how to live the Ashram way of life in Year 4
In writing we have been writing a balanced argument discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living the Ashram of peaceful and sustainable living....
In writing we have been writing a balanced argument discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living the Ashram of peaceful and sustainable living....
We have been learning about the suffragette movement in our history lessons, so we designed and made protest posters. We held a silent protest around the school. Here are our posters!...
We have been learning all about Ancient Egypt and thinking about the differences between life back then and modern life today. Ask us if we would like to have lived in Ancient Egyptian times!...
In history this half term, we will be learning about the Civil Rights Movement. We spent some time this week thinking about what rights are and what they mean to us. Here are our thoughts. What do you think? ...
We launched our new topic of the Tudors! We used different sources of evidence to find out who the Tudors were. We can’t wait to find out even more information about this interesting era!...
We have been learning about Bonfire night and exploring the things we might see, hear and feel on this special night. We created some firework art using a range of materials, explored what they sound like by watching videos and imitating these, and even chose...
We have been preparing for our assembly on the Romans. We can't wait to teach the rest of the school about our learning! We have prepared a song and we will also be telling and acting the story of Romulus and Remus. Renae will be...
We have been learning all about the life of Mary Seacole! We have learnt about the incredible sacrifice she made and how her work has impacted modern medicine. We are going to be writing a character description about her so have been using our acting...
We have been learning about the history, culture and geography in Jamaica and studied the flag, made our own and then wrote about what each colour represents....
We have been learning about Ghana, its history and its culture. In Art we were designing our own Adinkra prints which we will print next week....