Calculating fractions of an amount in Year 2
In our Maths lessons we have been learning about fractions. We started with learning fractions of shapes and are now moving on to finding fractions of numbers....
In our Maths lessons we have been learning about fractions. We started with learning fractions of shapes and are now moving on to finding fractions of numbers....
In Maths, we are learning about measuring volume of cuboids. We used 1cm x 1cm x 1cm cubes to make different shapes. Make sure you ask what volume is and what units of measure can be used to measure volume!...
In Nursery, as part of our exploration of the story ' The Naughty Bus' we have been looking at buses and different types of transport we use and see around us. We have been making our own graphs of how we all come to school....
In maths, year 2 have been putting their knowledge of 5 times table to the test. We have used our multiplication skills to learn about 5 minute intervals on the clock....
This week the whole school had their amazing Christmas dinner and it was so delicious. We all got to have an extra special treat this afternoon as we had a special Christmas picnic. Our teacher shared with us 2 strawberries, 5 blueberries and 6 grapes...
This week we were learning all about consecutive numbers. Using a 10 frame and counters we found out that consecutive numbers such as 6 and 7 always have a difference of one. This helped us to complete a series of subtraction expressions involving consecutive numbers...
For maths we have been sorting objects into colours. We then used our knowledge to make coloured patterns using the peg boards and pegs....
In maths, we have been learning all about ratio. We spent our lesson looking at the different ingredients to make cheese and tomato sandwiches. Try this problem yourself: To make a sandwich, we need 2 slices of bread, 3 slices of cheese and 4 slices...
In mathematics to begin our unit of learning on multiplication and division we have been exploring the difference between equal and unequal groups and thinking about the vocabulary we can use when explaining our thinking. We have also be...
In Maths we have been learning how to add and subtract bridging 10s. We used dienes to help us learn how to add two digit to three digit numbers....