Using manipulatives in Maths in Year 3
We have been comparing our 2, 4 and 8 times tables. We did this by creating mixed operation sentences and representing it on ‘braining camp’ using our iPads....
We have been comparing our 2, 4 and 8 times tables. We did this by creating mixed operation sentences and representing it on ‘braining camp’ using our iPads....
We have been revisiting our number knowledge and exploring ways to describe what we have around us! To help us make connections and for us to see that we can use our wonderful maths knowledge every single day, we used biscuits! We had 3 different...
This week we have been working together to count forwards and backwards in the correct order. We played missing number games and muddled up numbers on a washing line for re-ordering to hone our counting skills....
In reception we have been learning how to partition numbers into two smaller parts. We focused on the number 10 and worked together to split 10 between 2 parts and then 3 parts. This helped us to make number sentences!...
This week we have been doing some really challenging maths! As a class we have found subtraction tricky but we have all persevered and now we’re subtraction super stars!...
We have been looking at the composition of numbers and finding one more / one less of a given number. In this picture the children were building towers from a starting base of 5 blocks. They continued to add one more block after each turn...
Year 4 looked amazing on World Book Day; we had a range of characters from Harry Potter to the Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. In Maths, we took part in an investigation helping a school who had lost a golden envelope revealing the winner of...
We have been learning to read maps. Using the grid coordinates, we were able to find the four and six point grid references for different locations across London....
We have been exploring 3D shapes. We have been looking at what is the same and different between 2D and 3D shapes, and have gone on a hunt to explore these around our classroom! We discussed ways to describe them and used some ramps to explore...
In maths, we have used rekenreks to help us subtract. Why don't you ask us how they work!...