Exploring the ‘Brainingcamp’ App for finding fractions of amounts in Year 4 Maths
In our Maths lessons this week, we have been finding fractions of a quantity. In this lesson, we used the Brainingcamp app to help us with our activity!...
In our Maths lessons this week, we have been finding fractions of a quantity. In this lesson, we used the Brainingcamp app to help us with our activity!...
In Maths, Year 2 have been practising telling the time and reading a clock to 5 minute intervals. We began by reminding ourselves what each number represented on the clock and how many minutes past or to the hour that was....
In Maths, we have been playing shape, number and numerical pattern games. We were able to find some odd and even numbers and doubles of numbers using the large Numicon. We were also able to take turns whilst playing 'find the shape' and 'snakes and...
In Maths we have been learning our 7 x tables. We have learnt many different ways and methods to help us master our times tables....
In Maths year 1 have been measuring and comparing mass. We used balance scales and non-standard units of measurement (lolly sticks, unifix cubes etc) to measure the mass of a toy car. We challenged ourselves to say a sentence about the mass of the toy...
In our Maths lessons, we have been learning to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. We have been doing so well using our clocks to help us!...
In Maths we have been investigating common denominators. We played a game, in which we had to find our related fraction family. Ask us how we know if a pair of fractions are related!...
In our Maths sessions, we have been practicing using numerals and symbols to make number sentences....
During our Maths sessions, we were using positional language. We were outside going up and down the hill and the slide....
In Maths we have been learning all about fractions. We have been identifying halves, thirds and quarters in a variety of representations such as pizzas, shapes and numicon. In this picture the children were using multilink cubes to build towers, and then identify a half...