Making maps of our local area in Year 6
In Year 6 during our Geography lesson, we created sketch maps of our local area. Can you spot our school?...
In Year 6 during our Geography lesson, we created sketch maps of our local area. Can you spot our school?...
Our theme for 'Christmas door day' was inspired by old toy shops in Winter. We made nutcrackers, dolls, spinning tops and rocking horses....
In Art this week, we have been creating Christmas crafts. Here you can see us create beautiful depictions of Mary and Joseph travelling from Nazareth to Bethlehem....
In our Art sessions, we have created scratch painting of stars for our Advent art....
In Year 3, we have been getting into the Christmas spirit. We were creating Christmas cards and crafts....
In Spanish we are looking at the weather. Test us on how to say the different types of weather!...
In RE this week, we are learning about 'peace'. We had a discussion about what peace means to us then drew our own peace symbols in our books!...
In Science we have been learning about healthy eating. Did you know that there are five different food groups? We worked together to put the right foods in the correct food groups....
In our Science topic of 'Animals including Humans', we have been learning about how humans can survive and keep their body and minds healthy. We have been observing over time whether or not washing our hands with water and soap or with hand sanitizer has...
In RE this term, we have been thinking about what makes each character in the Christmas story important. This week we got in role as Mary and Joseph and took part in a hot seating activity. Our peers asked us questions about why we would...